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Notre Dame Cathedral

Two Days in Paris France. A First Timer’s Travel Guide and Itinerary

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Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, a place full of romance, history, culture, and beauty. But what most people don’t know about Paris until they visit it that it is also a HUGE city! To explore all the areas and neighbourhoods of Paris would take a week or more. However, most tourists don’t have a week, and the amount of time most people budget is just two days in Paris. With this amount of time in the city you will indeed be seeing and doing a lot so prepare for a busy and eventful two days!

Paris is the capital city of France and a hub for many things in Europe. No visit to Europe is complete without visiting the city of love and admiring all the iconic and world-famous sights and attractions. Most places have one or maybe two famous sights and attractions to see, but Paris is different. It is a very old city with a deep history dating back thousands of years which have resulted in a plethora of attractions to see and experience.

When visiting Paris, you will be welcomed into different worlds. There is the world of fashion, but also art, architecture, cuisines, and history, which makes Paris the perfect place for all types of people because there is a little bit of everything for everyone! If you are a first-time visitor to the city and planning to spend two days in Paris, use this itinerary to get the most out of all the fantastic sights and attractions in the city.

An Itinerary for 2 days in Paris, France

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Day 1 in Paris:

Spend the morning at the Louvre Museum

Louvre Museum Paris

The morning of the first day during your two-day Paris itinerary is best spent at one of Paris’ most popular and famous attractions: The Louvre. The Louvre is the world’s largest museum and a renowned attraction both from the outside and the inside.  It has been featured in a ton of Hollywood movies. Since this is one of Paris’ most popular attractions, it can get hectic, especially in Paris on the weekend. That is why visiting it first thing in the morning is a must to see the museum during its least busy hours.

There are two ways you can enjoy this famous attraction. The first is by viewing the exterior. The iconic glass pyramid is a highly photographed and beautiful sight to see. The other way is by going inside. Inside, you can enter the museum and view the famous and historic pieces of art, including the world-renowned Mona Lisa!

Walk Around Jardin du Palais Royal

Jardin du Palais Royal Paris

Right beside the Louvre hidden within the buildings of Paris sits Jardin du Palais Royal – a small, hidden gem in Paris that is not super well known and offers the perfect escape from the busy crowds you will have just endured at the Louvre. Here you will find a secret garden that dates back to the French Revolution. It is the perfect place to wander around to be transported back in time while viewing the unique gardens and artistic sculptures.

Visit the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower Paris

The Eiffel Tower is Paris’ most famous building, and is one of the world’s most famous structures! No trip to Paris is complete without visiting this iconic structure and seeing it in real life. Most people are amazed at its size in real life and how it towers high into the sky. It truly is a sight to see and something where the size and magic of it can only be felt in real life.

As previously mentioned, Paris is a huge city which is great because there are a ton of different areas and sights to see, but it also means getting from attraction to attraction can take quite a bit of time. However, if you find you are moving through this itinerary quickly, you can also take your Eiffel Tower experience one step further by going to the top! A ride to the top is magical, with its breathing views over Paris. If you can factor this into your time, be sure to do it as it is a once in a lifetime experience.

View the Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame is one of Paris’ most famous pieces of architecture that everyone needs to at least view while in Paris. Although the Cathedral suffered serious damage in a fire in April 2019, it is still worthwhile to visit to see the reconstruction in progress. The main structure, including the facade, towers, walls, and stained-glass windows were all saved. With two days in Paris, you don’t have a ton of time to immerse yourself in all the different attractions of the city; however, you can view and photograph them and put the ones you are most interested in on your “to-do list” for your next visit.

Seine River Cruise at Sunset

River Seine Paris France

The River Seine is a vast, famous river that cuts straight through Paris. It is the perfect place for an evening stroll to view some of Paris’ beauty and a very popular place for groups of people to sit and enjoy some food and drinks with friends. One of the best ways to enjoy this river is with a sunset cruise. There are tour companies that offer cruises all day long, but the sunset options are the most romantic and magical. With this, you can see some of Paris’ most famous attractions and sights all in one short hour!

Day 2 in Paris:

Arc Du Triomphe

The Arc Du Triomphe was built in 1806 and is one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture in Paris. Visiting this stunning landmark to marvel at its beauty is the perfect way to start your day. The Arc is surrounded by a bustling road that is quite hectic but also super entertaining. Once you get up close, you can see the intricate details that are beyond beautiful. Plus, if you missed going to the top of the Eiffel Tower on the first day, you can also go to the top of the Arc De Triomphe and have equally as beautiful views!


The Champs Élysées is a famous street in Paris that runs from the Arc Du Triomphe for 1.9km. This street is home to various shops and restaurants, making it a hot spot for shopping and eating. This street is often considered to be one of the most beautiful streets in the world and is the perfect place to walk and admire Paris and the bustling streets.

Explore Montmartre

Montmartre Paris

Montmartre is a beautiful Parisian village located in the cities 18th arrondissement. It is the perfect place to visit to see a more authentic and less touristy side to the side. Plus, this is where you will find some of the city’s most beautiful little streets and buildings that make Paris such a lust-worthy travel destination. A visit here will show you a great ambience, various cute boutiques, and a plethora of street art.

Eat some decadent French Pastries

French pastries in Paris

You should be overindulging in French pastries during your entire visit to Paris! Eating French pastries is a “two days in Paris” must-do because Paris has some of the best pastries in the world. You can find a multitude of cafes around the city that offer fresh and unique options that will show you the power of French cuisine.

View Eiffel Tower at Night

Although you’ve already seen the Eiffel Tower once, seeing it at night is a whole different story. After dark, the Eiffel Tower’s power and magic are only elevated with its bright lights and a plethora of people sitting under it on blankets with friends and lovers. Plus, on the hour every hour, the Eiffel Tower puts on a show where the entire structure starts sparkling in lights, and it is beyond magical. Ending your Paris two-day itinerary with an evening under the Eiffel Tower is something you will never forget.

There is so much to see and do and this list of attractions just scratches the surface of your two days in Paris. If you have more time, check out the Moulin Rouge for some night-time entertainment, the neighbourhood called the “Latin quarter” for cafes and shopping, Centre Pompidou if you are a fan of contemporary art, and Sacré-Cœur Basilica for stunning architecture.

Looking for a place to stay in Paris?

Check out these tours for your two days in Paris:

Samantha Karen is the founder of the travel blog Sam Sees World. She is a twenty-something traveller on a mission to explore the world to seek the new and unknown so she can document her experiences and inspire others to explore this wondrous world. Her objective is to learn about the world while also searching for her place in it. Check out Sam Sees World for valuable information on the best things to do, see, eat, and experience while travelling and making memories along the way.

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