Destination Asia Articles by Calculated Traveller Magazine.
Asia has been a favourited destination for travellers for centuries. From the first explorers to modern-day tourists, it has captured the hearts of visitors from around the world. Vastly different from one end of the continent to the other, each country in Asia has a distinct personality. Steeped in history, culture, customs and beauty, an Asia travel trip should be at the top of everyone’s bucket list.
Need a travel guide? We’ve been to some of the world’s most exotic locations in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore to name just a few. Explore China, Japan and Cambodia with us or walk with us through the busy streets of Hong Kong.
We know you’re in search of a once-in-a-lifetime experience and we’ll help you navigate through each country to discover the places, food and activities that will surely live on in your memories.
Read more on Asia Travel in our articles below: